"The closer you look, the less you will see."
"I'm sorry, I didn’t realise you were part of 'The Eye.'"
"Ha, good film. But seriously, tell me what you’re looking for?"
"The bomb."
"Ok, yes. But how?"
"Look for anything abnormal, or different. Anything weird."
"And that, my friend, is what you are doing wrong."
"Meaning, if you look for problems in the world, you’ll find them – even if they aren’t problems. You’ll think they are."
"I think this lesson is a problem. Any chance you can be more direct? I’m not trained in code breaking and I don’t speak 'asshole.'"
"Ha. OK. Don’t look for the abnormal. Look closely at the normal, and the absence of normal will show itself."
"Go simple, start stupid simple. 'There is a sky up and ground down...'"
"Ok... and on the ground there is a road – not paved but dirt. The road falls away to plants, well, long grass all the way – wait, apart from that area – the grass is laying flatter. The dirt road seems a slightly darker brown next to it and you see more pebbles around than on the rest of the track."
"Good – now you’re getting it!"